05. Udacity Support

Udacity Support

Getting Support

There are several ways in which you will receive support during the program from Udacity's network of Mentors and Reviewers, as well as your fellow students.

## Study Groups

You will interact with other students, Mentors and course staff here. Please click the blue chat icon on the left hand side bar of your classroom

## Knowledge

Please ask any questions you have in the Knowledge forums. These forums allow you to get help from your peers.

## Reviews

An example of the personalized feedback you'll get on your projects with Udacity.

An example of the personalized feedback you'll get on your projects with Udacity.

For each project you submit, you will receive detailed feedback from a project Reviewer.

Sometimes, a reviewer might ask you to resubmit a project to meet specifications. In that case, an indication of needed changes will also be provided. Note that you can submit a project as many times as needed to pass.

## Feedback

Please help us improve the program by submitting bugs and issues to our Waffle board.

Please help us improve the program by submitting bugs and issues to our Waffle board.

In order to keep our content up-to-date and address issues quickly, we've set up a Waffle board to track error reports and suggestions.

If you find an error, check there to see if it has already been filed. If it hasn't, you can file an issue by clicking on the "Add issue" button, adding a title, and entering a description in the details (you will need a GitHub account for this).

Links and screenshots, if available, are always appreciated!